There is an old joke in which a chicken and a pig are talking and the chicken says, "Let's start a restaurant." The pig
replies, "Good idea, but what should we call it?" "How about 'Ham and Eggs'" says the chicken. "No thanks," says the
pig, "I'd be committed, you'd only be involved." The joke is meant to point out the difference between those who are
committed on a project and those who are only involved. Scrum affords special status to those who are committed and
many teams enforce a rule in which only those who are committed are allowed to talk during the daily scrum.
Any impediments that are raised become the ScrumMaster's responsibility to resolve as quickly as possible. Typical
impediments are:
* My ____ broke and I need a new one today.
* I still haven't got the software I ordered a month ago.
* I need help debugging a problem with ______.
* I'm struggling to learn ______ and would like to pair with someone on it.
* I can't get the vendor's tech support group to call me back.
* Our new contractor can't start because no one is here to sign her contract.
* I can't get the ____ group to give me any time and I need to meet with them.
* The department VP has asked me to work on something else "for a day or two."